Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prancing and pondering!

This post comes at a time when my emotions are in full swing. Happy to say at the least. Actually it goes through phases. Really happy-happy-sad-sadly sad-hyper happy and so forth. Till I'm confused. I actually don't know what I feel. Then it hits me and I start analyzing. And I over analyze till things can upset me and so I stop.

Why do some things happen? Why do you see certain people in your life but not meet them? Or why do you meet them and not talk (but you want to talk to them). Or you talk to them and nothing happens. Is it all a carefully planned out route-map that has a pot of gold at the end of it. Or a life plan. Or whatever.

There are some people who come and go in your life. People who you think make a difference, a significant one at that, but actually don't. Then there are people who teach you a little something about life and its operations. 

Sometimes, two people are not meant to be together, even if one of them really wants to. It's for the best maybe.  You just slowly pick up the pieces and move on. Working your way out of the maze.

And eventually you'll find life has many things to offer, keeping you occupied on the way.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wheeeeee :)

You Are Soap Bubbles

You are free spirited and a heck of a lot of fun. You refuse to act your age.
You can always find a chance to play a little. You bring whimsy to an otherwise boring day.

It drives you crazy to be cooped up inside for too long. You need to be outdoors to be able to breathe.
It's likely that you crave a nontraditional life. You have to do things your own way!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

For old times' sake

How does it feel to be a school-going kid again? Pretty much fun, yes :) To meet with friends and goof off. All the more fun.

But I think my best times were (and I say unabashedly) when I had innumerable crushes on boys. Sorry, but no names shall spilled out. They were truly my best moments, ones that made me get up early and go to school without any sort of hesitation. What did they feel like? Well, to say the least I felt immeasurably happy, everything felt cheery and positive and of course I enjoyed going to school. In short, I loved those days.

And why am I writing about this now?
I have my reasons. You just have to guess :)